24 Авг [:mk]ТФМ искуство на Лара…[:en]Lara’s TFM Experience…[:]
[:mk]Ни претставува задоволство да го споделиме второто ТФМ искуство со Лара!
Лара е дел од Fit Family веќе 1 година, речиси од самиот почеток на нашето работење …
Во целост ви го пренесуваме нејзиното искуство со нашиот тим и ТФМ – термо физичкиот метод.
…Јас вежбам во Fit Family веќе една година.
На самиот почеток, пред да почнам да го практикувам ТФМ – термо физичкиот метод, мојата цел не беше само слабеењето, туку и сакав да добијам дефиниција на мускулатурата, да се чуствувам убаво и фит и едноставно да бидам порелаксирана.
После неколку седмици почнав да се чуствувам значително подобро, почнав да забележувам и промена на мојата фигура, а панталоните ми стануваа се пошироки и со задоволство почнав да обраќам повеќе внимание на мојата облека и поубаво да се облекувам. Убаво беше чуството кога почнав да добивам многу комплименти за мојот променет изглед!
Денес, една година подоцна, јас имам 10 килограми помалку, фигурата ми е сменета и се научив да внимавам на мојата исхрана, а да не сум на диета. Навистина одлично се чуствувам, многу полесно и посвежо!
Повеќе информации за ТФМ – Термо физичкиот метод на тел. 02/3 123 127.
Бидете здрави, бидете фит!
www.fitfamily.mk | #fitfamilymk
[:en]We are pleased to share the second TFM experience of Lara!
Lara is part of Fit Family for almost 1 year, from the very beginning of Fit Family. At a glance, we are sharing Lara’s experience with our team and her experience with the TFM – thermo physical method.
…I am exercising in Fit Family for one year already.
At the very beginning, before I started TFM – Thermo Physical Method, my goal was not only losing weight; I also wanted to gain muscle definition, to feel good and fit and be overall more relaxed.
After a couple of weeks, I immediately started feeling much better. I started to notice a change on my figure whilst my trousers were getting bigger and bigger. I started to pay much more attention to my wardrobe and started to dress much nicer. It was great to receive many compliments on my new changed image!
Today, one year later, I am 10 kilograms lighter, my figure is changed and I learned to pay attention to my nutrition, whilst I am not dieting! I really feel great; much lighter and vital!
Ilirijana Cardio Skopje
It is our pleasure to share Ilirjana’s cardio experience with our last cardio offer of 999 mkd per month!
…I am Ilirjana and I have been exercising cardio training for one month at Fit Family. Starting my training here has been the best decision I have made!
The reason I started to workout was to lose some weight, however apart from losing weight I enjoyed many more benefits! The cardio training did not only result in my weight loss, it also helped me to lower my stress level, improved my physical condition and much more!
The best place for this is definitely Fit Family as they have the best facilities, lovely atmosphere and great trainers!
I lost weight quite fast, in one month I lost 2.7 kg and besides that my body fat decreased! Without any doubt, I am continuing my cardio trainings at Fit Family because the place and the trainings make me feel really great!
At Fit Family I also learned many new things about nutrition and a living a healthy life style. The trainers are continuously available in advising me how to improve my diet.
Fit Family is definitely the most professional studio and I recommend it to every woman who wants to achieve great results and have a better life quality with reduced stress!
For more information about Cardio packages and TFM method please give us a call at 02/3123 127.
Feel Fit, Be Fit!
www.fitfamily.mk | #fitfamilymk[:]